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An exciting announcement for Whisperings Solo Piano Radio subscribers, supporters and past concert attendees!

The piano is waiting.... a quiet moment on the stage at the Whisperings All-Star Concert before the doors open! Photo courtesy of Joe Bongiorno.

So... you've heard about the Whisperings Solo Piano "All-Star" Concert Weekend happening in Atlanta and you'd like to go... but CAN'T because you live too far away to travel to the show.

Well, I have great news!

The 2019 Whisperings Solo Piano "Discovery" and "All-Star"
Concerts will both be Video Broadcast LIVE via Facebook! That means that you can watch the concert right from the comfort of home!

The live video broadcasts will be happening...
THIS SATURDAY, February 9th at 7:00 PM EST and
THIS SUNDAY, February 10th at 2:00 PM EST.

The concerts will feature performances by 31 Whisperings piano artists over two days, INCLUDING performances from all the Whisperings Solo Piano Album of the Year nominees! At the end of Sunday's All-Star Concert we will announce the winner of the Whisperings Album of the Year and present the award to them. On this page you'll find a list of artists performing at each show.

While there's nothing like being there in person to experience that amazing energy... if you can't be there, at least you can watch it live as it happens right from home!

How to watch the live video stream? We will be broadcasting the event directly via our
Facebook Page. If you're not connected to that already, go there now and "like" the page. Once the feed is live (we'll start broadcasting a few minutes before the show starts), when you navigate to (or refresh) the page, you'll see a little window pop up informing you that a live broadcast is happening. Click on that window to open the video feed... from that window you can chat with other viewers, say hello and invite your Facebook friends to join you! It's one big online party celebrating the very best of Whisperings Solo Piano Radio
! Please join us!

What's it cost to watch? It's FREE, but you can TIP during the broadcast if you wish to to support the artists who are performing.

We would love to have you celebrate with us!
Join us from your living room!

If you have any questions, just reply to this email.

Thank You SO much!

David Nevue

Whisperings Solo Piano Radio on Facebook | Twitter


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