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Presenting the...
Whisperings "Solo Piano Album of the Year..."

We review a lot of albums here at Whisperings: Solo Piano Radio - around 100 submissions a year! So when an album comes across our desk that is wonderfully unique or especially captivating, we like to give those a special honor. Yes, we appreciate ALL the artist's music on Whisperings radio, but some albums really stand out!

Every year we nominate a few albums for special recognition. These, we put before a panel of anonymous judges made up of both Whisperings fans and artists. Each member of the panel (a new panel each year) votes independently for their favorite nominee. The results are tabulated, giving us an overall winner.

Below you'll find our favorites, nominees and winners for each year going all the way back to 2007.

2023 Winner

"Whisperings Album of the Year"

Thad Fiscella
Beyond the Horizon

2022 Winner

"Whisperings Album of the Year"

Michael Borowski
Gardens of Zion in the Rain

2021 Winner

"Whisperings Album of the Year"

Joseph Akins
Dream World

2020 Winner

"Whisperings Album of the Year"

Chad Lawson
You Finally Knew

2019 Winner

"Whisperings Album of the Year"

Ryan Marvel
Generous Night, Redeem

2018 Winner

"Whisperings Album of the Year"

Matthew Mayer
Beautiful You

2017 Winner

"Whisperings Album of the Year"

Ryan Marvel
Reflecting Forward

2016 Winner

"Whisperings Album of the Year"

Adam Andrews
Prayers in the Dark

2015 Winner

"Whisperings Album of the Year"

Zachary Bruno
Dawn Light

2014 Winner

"Whisperings Album of the Year"

Christine Brown

2013 Winner

"Whisperings Album of the Year"

Michele McLaughlin
Waking the Muse

2012 Winner

"Whisperings Album of the Year"

Gary Girouard
The Naked Piano: Light & Dark

2011 Winner

"Whisperings Album of the Year"

Doug Hammer

2010 Winner

"Whisperings Album of the Year"

Lee Bartley
A View from Above

2009 Winner

"Whisperings Album of the Year"

Chad Lawson
Set on a Hill

2008 Winner

"Whisperings Album of the Year"

John Hinson
A Still Moment

2007 Winner

"Whisperings Album of the Year"

Starr Parodi
Common Places